The New Pilgrims
This corporate project is the result of a collaboration with Censis foundation - Center of social research, on behalf of Farmafactoring bank. Named The New Pilgrims, the project analyses the interaction between the healthcare system and the migratory flue in Italy, in particular through the places of prayer.
Connaught Kitchens Ltd
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of this London based company - specialized in contemporary design of kitchens, the image and identity of the Showroom have been emphasized by the building up of a Showcase through corporate photography.
ICG - Institut Chiropratique Genève
Digital project, in Geneva, redesigning a brand new website in order to properly tell the story of this renowned medical practice and who they are.
Corporate photography, web design, professional presence and contribution on social networks as well as a scientific and accurate medical content offering to future patients the possibility to discover and learn about Chiropractics.